Our tour of the Alps 2009.

The plan was to ride ALL passes over 2000 meters height. Due to an accident the first day we lost 2 of them....but what a tour....
Here are most of the 2000 passes, but quite a few of the lower ones are not documentet here....
We rode:
7987 km, made 116 different passes, 153 total pass crossings, 309 237 Total Height Meters
in the 3 weeks we had available and had only 1 day off riding...long days in the saddle...

Complete list of Passes, Heights and Total Height meters

Slideshow are online, so no need to dowload.

10 minutes: Passes only

30 minutes: Full Tour Video

PCAC 2009: The Pacific Coast Alpen Challenge 2009, June 27. - July 18. 2009. from Arvid Lovik on Vimeo.

95 minutes: Full Tour Video



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