It says it all !!
The WongWing and the new Corbin seat on Torill's bike
Stavanger, The oil museum in the background
Body by Tupperware, Air-wings by Baker
A 12 volt connector for the battery tender in the right hand side passenger footpeg well.
The Bushtec trailer coupling and the compressor horns
The new 70 cm band (430Mhz)tranceivers, DnT UHF 69's
, these have been modified to output 500mw and are superior to the old 27 Mhz CB system.The HS 100 helmet loudspeaker/mike system is also from DnT. The Off/high/low switch to the left is for the heated handlebars. The red button in the locker is the remote for the garage door !!
The antenna. It is mounted on a suction cup that has two radials for giving the antenna earthplane for better range. The range is about 5 miles in open terrain.
The Sigma 700 Computer. Up on the left side of the picture You can see the switch for the hazard warning lights. On the bottom is the snap connectors for the tank bag.
Tourmaster Tank Bag
Audiovox CCS100 Electronic Vacuum operated cruise control
How to install the Audiovox CCS100 Cruise Control on the Honda PC 800 Motorcycle (pictures and text as pdf file)